2023 Covid-19 Cleaning Practices For A Safer Office

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Post-Covid, and with so many conglomerates planning a reopening of physical spaces post, the remote working session is making everything think about cleaning. What kind of deep clean practices should they introduce in the office for everyone’s health?

If you are someone with the same wonderment, you have reached the right place. In this excerpt below, we will talk about practices, measures, and many more. So sit back, and take notes.

Cleaning Practices For Safer Office In 2023

A regular office cleanup is important not only for your house but also for your office. There is something called a deep-clean which even targets the walls and vents of an area, and every commercial area which is crowded by so many employees should be thinking about it.

The best time to get that deep clean is post covid when you are preparing to open the office after a long remote working session. Here are some things you can do to ensure that deep cleaning is done correctly, aka the best cleaning practices you should adhere to.

1. Regular Sanitization

Get experts to spray sanitize almost regularly because everything cannot be done by hand. When you do so, read the manuals for each electronic piece of equipment and wiring. You can even call the experts to understand the precautions you need to take before a sanitation session is over.

If you talk to a good cleaning company, they can give you recommendations on non-water-based sanitization, which is safe for the employees and the equipment. Do not let the employees sit after sanitization; let the initial hot of strong chemicals evaporate before calling workers to sit and work in the environment.

2. Regular Professional Deep Cleaning

Call professional deep cleaners who do not just prioritize the surface but also go for the AC vents, window corners and seals, curtains, furniture, carpet, and ceiling fans. However, this kind of deep cleaning is not necessary every week because you can get them at least once a month. Hire the best cleaners, and you can call them at regular intervals for a good discounted price as a loyal customer.

3. Wall, Vents, & Air-Conditioner

When you are deep cleaning, the areas you should prioritize the most post covid are the walls, AC vents, window corners, carpet, and the personal equipment in the personal spaces. These are the specs that accumulate the most dust and can even risk the area to build buildings and allergies.

4. Getting Rid Of Anything Which Accumulates Dirt

Anything which can eventually accumulate dirt, and cannot be cleaned every day is a no-no post-Covid. This will include the following.

  • Textile furniture since they can’t be vacuumed every day.
  • Cloth curtains, rather switch to bamboo or wooden blinds for the window.
  • Thick carpets are a hotspot for bacteria.
  • Too many sentimental items on the desks which are hardly cleaned, and stationeries which are hardly ever used.

5. Get An Air Purifier

An air purifier is a good investment in an office space as it helps clean and filter dirt and bacteria and provides the employee with clean, fresh air. Air-purifier for every floor is a must-have post-Covid.

6. Get Sunlight In

The sunlight rays not only give a boost of energy and productivity to the people working, but the rays can also kill bacteria causing diseases. Therefore, rather than being cooped up in a sunlight-less zone like vampires, offices should invest in commercial places which allow enough sunlight.

7. Encourage Everyday Sanitization

Spray sanitization is not possible every day; neither is deep cleaning. But one can always encourage the employees to work on self sanitization in their area. For example, clearing out and decluttering unnecessary items. Use wipes and tiny brushes to clean the surface area before they can start working.

8. Conduct Workshops

Workshops, and training classes on how to keep themselves and their surroundings clean during or post-pandemic. This will also help them understand the importance of cleaning to protect themselves and others from bacterial and viral diseases.

9. Take Employee Medical Assessment

Take a medical assessment of your employees; this will help you to understand the different skin and health conditions and allergies they have. This will help you pick the equipment for cleaning better. This will also show your concern towards your employees post-pandemic and will also increase their company loyalty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions businesses often ask about post covid cleaning and health measures.

1. How To Clean Electronic Surfaces Everyday Without Wrecking Them?

Ans. Here is how you can clean dirt, and debris from the corner and service the electronic item in your personal space.

  • Get sanitizing wipes; they allow you to clean the items without getting them too wet, which can eventually cause damage.
  • Brushes with especially sharp bristles can get into the corners of the keyword and other unreachable parts to clean the accumulating dirt.
  • The office can invest in good mini vacuum cleaners to help employees who wish to keep their space tidy.
  • Call the maintenance guy once in a while to see whether this harsh cleaning is causing some damage.

2. What Are Some Of The Safety Measures Employees Can Take?

Ans. Here are some of the safety measures that the employees can take to ensure that everyone is contributing to making the workplace safe again. Here are a few things that one has to ensure.

  • Providing them with an everyday cleaning kit.
  • Encouraging them to declutter their space.
  • Sanitize the surface every day.
  • Do not eat food around the desk or anything which has crumbs or condiments.
  • Wash their hands frequently, especially before eating.
  • Encourage them to talk to the authority about their allergies and illnesses.

3. How Often Should I Call For A Cleaning Service?

Ans. Post-COVID, you should get some frequent deep cleaning. But, if you are asking for a routine, then once a month deep cleaning is necessary to maintain a clean and healthy environment.